Agro SQ - Expo San Quintín

26 July 2023

The 2nd edition of Expo Agro SQ 2023, in San Quintín, B.C., was a two-day event filled with entrepreneurs, farmers, and industry professionals. It was an incredible opportunity to share our vision for sustainable agriculture and the benefits that BIOSOIL® has to offer.

During the event, we were able to speak with numerous agronomists interested in improving their agricultural practices and obtaining greater crop yields. We explained how BIOSOIL® can increase nutrient absorption efficiency in plants, reduce abiotic stress, and strengthen their immune system, resulting in healthier and more productive plants.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to present our conference "Metanutrition: The Basis for Healthy and Highly Productive Plants" given by phytopathologist Jorge Arturo Camacho Gutierrez. We also established connections with other suppliers of agricultural inputs and producers who are interested in collaborating on future projects. Expo Agro SQ 2023 truly is a networking and enriching learning space.

We are grateful for the warm welcome that BIOSOIL® received at Expo Agro SQ 2023. It was gratifying to see attendees show interest in the potential of BIOSOIL® to improve product quality of products grown throughout the region.

We sincerely thank the organizers of Expo Agro SQ 2023 for providing a space for the promotion of agricultural products and continued education in the industry. See you at the next edition of Expo Agro SQ!